Liposomal vitamins

Have you ever gotten sick on vacation when you wanted to rest?

We usually have a lot of work to do before the holidays, certain obligations and projects need to be
completed at work, some of us are also stressed because of teenagers, for whom school is not their
first priority, and we are worried about whether we will all be able to enjoy the summer without
additional studying.
It is also necessary to take care of the summer care of younger schoolchildren, in short, we all can’t
wait for vacation time to come, when we can relax and enjoy ourselves and leave our worries aside.
The time before vacation is stressful for me, I have to wash everything, pack, shop, in short, I have a
lot of work to do before vacation. We usually go camping, which means an extra pile of gear that we
cram into the car down to the last millimeter, leaving no room for even one little banana haha.
Preparing for a vacation can be so stressful that I, at least, would happily skip it.
On the last day, you pack late at night, you have to get up early so that the road won’t be crowded,
and you clearly can’t fall asleep during those few hours that should be devoted to sleep, because all
kinds of worries are running through your head, if you took everything…

Our body is working at full capacity, it is saturated with cortisol, the stress hormone. Cortisol
prepares the body for action so that it can respond appropriately to a stressful situation.
Cortisol suppresses the immune response and the activation of certain immune cells, promotes
osteoporosis, increases blood pressure, in short, and prepares us for immediate action. Run now!

Sometimes we were in a stressful situation, for example, when we saw a wild animal and had to run.
Once we were safe, there was no more stress.
Today we are constantly in stressful situations. Small children who need our attention, emotional
stress with a partner, dissatisfaction and excessive work at work, the child’s afternoon activities, as a
result we skip meals and recreation, increase coffee drinking,…
Our body struggles and tries to withstand all these stressful situations.

And when we can finally relax, our body says the same: “Finally, I have some time to let out all the
stress and toxins that we have diligently accumulated. What’s not nicer, now that I finally have some
peace, I can get rid of all the unhappiness that has been accumulating in me for several months? And
the sun and the sea will help me with that.”
Body temperature appears, cough, in short, our body detoxifies and we get sick.

Clearly, when we come back from vacation, we must be ready for a new shipment of stress and
In order to prepare for vacation and strengthen our body so that we can really enjoy and return to
work with joy, we need to take care of our immune system before going on vacation.

At least a month before, I recommend taking the following liposomal supplements daily; vitamin C,
vitamin D, and glutathione. The advantage of liposomal products is that our body really uses what
we consume, as it is delivered directly to the cell and excellent absorption.
As an interesting point, let me say that in tropical places they have a big lack of vitamin D, because
everyone hides from the sun. If you also spend most of your time indoors, in the car and not exposed
to the sun, we advise you to use liposomal vitamin D, which, along with vitamin C, is the most
important for a good immune system.
Glutathione is the most powerful antioxidant, indispensable in detoxifying the body, at the same
time it is capable of hunting and excreting many dangerous toxins from the body. A lot of it is used
up when we are under stress, when we eat improperly, when we are tired, exhausted, sick, taking
medication… When glutathione is lacking, insomnia also occurs.

Let’s make sure early enough this year to prepare our immune system so that we can really enjoy our
You know, it all depends on us.

Good luck.

Tajča Pavček
