Ekolife Natura wild oregano (Origanum minutiflorum) essential oil is made by a special distillation procedure
employing separation.
This means that the process adds nothing to the oil and furthermore eliminates all toxic substances.
Wild oregano oil is today recognised throughout the world as the strongest antibacterial and antiseptic
essential oil.
• When battling Candida, E. coli, staphylococci, salmonella.
• Bolsters the immune system.
• Improves the condition of respiratory organs.
• Serves as excellent guard against flu and cold.
• Relieves sinus problems.
• Fights microorganisms.
• Helps with urinal tract infections.
• Alleviates respiratory issues (cough, bronchitis, pneumonia).
• Relieves digestion problems (diarrhoea, intestinal parasites).
• Improves the flexibility of joints and muscles.
Recommended preventive consumption: 2-3 drops, diluted in a teaspoon of alkali oil, two times daily (for at
least 2-3 weeks).
Recommended consumption when ill: 3-4 drops, diluted in a teaspoon of alkali oil, three times daily (for at
least 2-3 weeks).
Consume after meals.
Wild oregano oil can somewhat impede absorption of iron, which is why we recommend offsetting that by
consuming organic spirulina alga.
Do not consume: if you are allergic to thyme, basil, mint or sage.